VICTOR cinemagraph loudspeaker

one of the very first electromechanical speakers ever

VICTOR cinemagraph loudspeaker
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Article codeVICTOR
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This VICTOR made speaker is one of the very first electric driven speakers in the world. THIS one was used in Carl Welte's mobile cinema, before WW2 a very well known company in the nothern part of the Netherlands. His mobile cinema is displayed in the open air museum in Arnhem today. Exactly THIS speaker was used there and probably also in the first years of his fixed Cinema in the Stationstraat in Zuidlaren (Drenthe, NL).  So, exactly this speaker has brought a lot of joy in the northern part of the Netherlands.
We saved it from destruction the 27 of january 2018 where we happened to visit a shop (Loods 66 in Annen, bought it from Zuidlarens's "Willy Wortel") with all kinds of old technical stuff, where someone wanted to buy it and throw away the speaker and use the cabinet for something else.....It was actually exciting to convince this man that this would be similar as putting an electromotor in a 1928 T-Ford. I won an saved it. The cabinet lookes "lived" as id truly did actually. The speaker itself still looks great. We need to find time to check it. Look for a VICTOR speaker like this in the internet; all are YOUNGER! Our guess is 1930-1935.


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